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A community supporting a language-agnostic, multi-platform package management ecosystem for projects of any size and complexity.

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What is conda?

Initially started as a multi-platform package management tool, the term "conda" has since evolved to encompass an entire open-source packaging ecosystem and philosophy. This ecosystem is supported by many organizations who all share the common goal of providing easier access to programming tools and libraries.

Any language

Any language

Our packaging ecosystem allows you to manage applications and libraries written in any language, like C, C++, Java, Rust or Go.

Any platform

Any platform

This packaging ecosystem supports all major platforms and architectures: macOS, Windows, Linux, Intel/AMD, ARM, PowerPC, Apple Silicon... you name it.

Vibrant community

Vibrant community

This ecosystem also includes tools and projects from many organizations, like conda, conda-forge, mamba and conda-incubator.

Discover the latest news and learn more in our blog

November 2023 Releases


Conda 23.11.0, conda-build 3.28.0/3.28.1, and conda-libmamba-solver 23.11.0/23.11.1 have been released! 🎉

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Conda 23.10.0: libmamba is now the default solver


🚄 The speedy conda-libmamba-solver becomes the default solver in the Conda 23.10.0 release. Please fasten your seat belts.

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September 2023 Releases


Conda 23.9.0, conda-build 3.27.0, conda-libmamba-solver 23.9.0/23.9.1, conda-index 0.3.0, and pycosat 0.6.5/0.6.6 have been released! 🎉

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Conda Newsletter, Issue #2


Upcoming Events, conda-store brief, Is conda free?, pre and post plugin hooks, Recent releases, Travis Hathaway's latest talk on Youtube.

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Is conda free?


Answers the frequently asked questions about what's free (almost everything), what parts of the ecosystem may not be free, and under what (clearly defined) conditions those "maybe-not-free" parts are free after all.

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