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· One min read

The latest conda release is now available. To update run:

conda install -n base conda=22.11.1

This release includes a number of improvements including:

Check out the 🎥 release video (!) and the changelog for the complete list of improvements.

· One min read

conda-build is a conda package for building your own packages for conda and other package managers.

To install conda-build run

conda install conda-build

If you already have it installed, you can upgrade to the newest version with

conda upgrade conda-build

The 3.23.0 and 3.23.1 releases have several updates:

  • Outputs now support both script and files arguments. When both script and an explicit file list are given, the script is run first and then the files given in the explicit file list are packaged. (#4281)
  • Add overlinking_ignore_patterns build parameter to speed up recipes where it is not helpful. (#4576)
  • Add win-arm64 as a recognized platform (subdir). (#4579)
  • Add opt-in environment variable to run conda in isolated mode (python -I -m conda) when invoked from conda-build. This is necessary to fix an issue when packaging conda itself. Alternative solutions (see #4628) are under investigation, so the current implementation will likely change. (#4604, #4625)
  • Refactored conda_build.convert.update_lib_contents to use pathlib.Path. Mark test_cli.test_convert as xfail on Windows (something with the GitHub Windows Runner makes this particularly flaky). (#4619, #4626)

See the conda-build documentation for more on how to use it to create packages.

· One min read
Bas Zalmstra

Hey everyone!

Im very proud to announce the launch of, a fast conda package search website with many more features to come.

For more information about the company and the website see here.

If you get the time to check it out, Im very curious to your thoughts! Would also love to see if we can work together with the community here!

Cheers! Bas Zalmstra

· One min read
Dave Clements

We are pleased to announce the launch of the conda Community Forum, a gathering place for questions, answers, and discussion about the conda ecosystem.

We hope the forum will be a key component of that ecosystem, and will become the goto place for people with questions about conda & friends.

· 2 min read
Travis Hathaway

Special announcement

If you have been following the conda project previously, you will notice a change in our version number for this release. We have officially switched to the CalVer versioning system as agreed upon in CEP 8 (Conda Enhancement Proposal).

Please read that CEP for more information, but here is a quick synopsis. We hope that this versioning system and our release schedule will help make our releases more predictable and transparent to the community going forward. We are now committed to making at least one release every two months, but keep in mind that we can (and most likely will) be making minor version releases within this window.

· 3 min read

We are pleased to announce that new releases of conda and conda-build are now available in the conda defaults channel. The updates can be installed with

conda update conda conda-build

Here are some highlights from the releases: